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How to Find a Hypnotherapist for Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorder belongs to the mental health conditions that are on the rise. One look at the news and there is no doubt about why that might be the case. There are, however, many other reasons why someone might feel anxious in one or various situations of daily life. A hypnotherapy appointment might be the first step to learn to overcome anxiety and other common mental health conditions.

Drawing of a young woman suffering from anxiety represented by a threatening shadow

What Solution Focused Hypnotherapy Can Help With

Before you embark on your search for a hypnotherapist, it would be good to know whether hypnosis is actually any good at treating anxiety. The short answer is yes and there is plenty of research evidence and clinical trials to back up this claim.¹ Hypnotherapy works, amongst others, for:

  • Generalised anxiety disorder

  • Panic attacks

  • Panic disorder

  • Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

  • Social anxiety

  • Phobias

As well as related conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and sleep problems. In comparison with for example talking therapy, clinical hypnotherapy is much more solution focused approach. Most often it only requires a couple of hypnotherapy sessions to see significant improvements. How many sessions are required, can depend on the underlying issue, complications as well as the severity of the anxiety.

How Hypnotherapy for Anxiety Works

At this point I would like to mention that not every hypnotherapist uses exactly the same approach. In order to reduce anxiety a combination of hypnosis and cognitive behavioural therapy has been shown to be most effective. During each hypnotherapy session you will learn new tools that help you with managing anxiety.

Hypnosis involves focused attention to change unhelpful thought patterns in order to create positive change. This increases self-esteem and self-belief. Anxiety sufferers will learn to remain calm, for example, during a panic attack, in order to allow the physical sensations to unfold and to train their body that these are in fact not dangerous. Hypnotherapy work for anxiety treatment therefore also includes exposure to the perceived threat.

In many cases an anxiety session includes the deeply relaxed state that hypnosis can create. Feeling calm, however, might not always be the goal nor a suitable application. With an obsessive compulsive disorder it could be used as an avoidance technique, which doesn't treat anxiety but actually hinders treatment. A good mental health professional who uses hypnosis sessions for anxiety knows that this tool is neither a magic wand nor that an incredibly relaxing state would be the best answer for a client's well-being.

A clinical hypnotherapist tailors the sessions as well as the techniques to the client's needs in order to address the anxiety symptoms that are experienced. A positive process in reducing anxiety includes the active participation of the client. Negative thoughts are being addressed, positive changes brought forward while the client will never lose control. Self-hypnosis is also being taught, so that the client can address negative thinking both during the hypnotherapy session as well as in their daily life.

Finding a Hypnotherapist Should Be a Relaxing and Positive Process

You have decided that hypnotherapy is the best way to tackle your anxiety? Good, then finding a therapist who uses hypnosis for anxiety is the next step. First you should consider the following questions:

  1. Do I prefer therapy online or locally?

  2. How much am I willing to pay per session?

  3. Do I have any preferences regarding the therapists education, personality, gender, age etc?

It is okay to have personal preferences, since you might be more comfortable with someone who is of similar age or has the same gender as you. It is also a good idea to use up any offers for an initial consultation which should be for free. This way you can get to know the therapist and have any remaining questions answered before you start hypnotherapy.

Make sure that you are confident in the hypnotherapist ability to reduce symptoms long-term. They shouldn't use a one fits all approach, since hypnotherapy needs to be based on the individual not make a therapist's life easy. A therapist should be transparent about their approach, what they can and cannot help you with (such as recommend medication, that is only possible for a GP or medical professional). If you find them to be open with you, the therapy will be a lot easier for you.


¹Clinical Review by the British Medical Journal (BMJ),  1999: "There is good evidence from randomised controlled trials that both hypnosis and relaxation techniques can reduce anxiety [...]"

¹American Psychiatric Association, 1961: "[...]  With selected patients, it can be used for sedative, analgesic and anaesthetic purposes; for the relief of apprehension and anxiety [...]"

¹Scientific American, 2001: "[...] hypnosis is finding medical uses in controlling chronic pain, countering anxiety [...]"


Can hypnosis help with anxiety?

Yes, hypnosis can help with anxiety but not on its own. Good hypnotherapy addresses the emotional, cognitive and behavioural aspects of anxiety disorders, however, you will also need to be exposed to what it is you are afraid of in real life. Hypnotherapy can mentally prepare you for this step.

What is the success rate of hypnosis for anxiety?

There are several studies that put the success rate of hypnosis for anxiety at more than 74% or even 79%. This is for hypnotherapy without any other kind of psychotherapy. In combination with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy the percentage can be even higher.

How many sessions of hypnotherapy are needed for anxiety?

The number of hypnotherapy sessions that are needed to treat anxiety can vary. Usually around 5 to 6 sessions not only reduce anxiety but also bring forward long lasting change. However, more complex cases where, for example, several anxiety disorders are involved will require more sessions.

Can hypnosis remove fear?

It wouldn't be wise to completely remove fear from your system (nor would that be possible). However, hypnosis can be used to overcome anxiety, especially if it is being applied in combination with CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy).

What is the 3 3 3 rule for anxiety?

The 3 3 3 rule for anxiety is basically a distraction technique that allows you to move your narrowed focus away from what you are perceiving as a threat by widening your attention. First you find 3 objects, then 3 sounds and finally 3 body parts to focus on instead.

How long does hypnosis last for anxiety?

The effect of hypnosis can be felt instantaneously and can last many hours after the session has finished. By using self-hypnosis you can enhance your hypnotic skills bringing forward longer-lasting and more effective results. However, hypnosis alone will not treat your anxiety.


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