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How to Overcome AI Anxiety

For more than 11 years, I have worked as a freelance writer and translator. A year ago, I decided to pursue a second career and trained as a cognitive behavioural hypnotherapist. Artificial intelligence was one reason for this decision, but is it sensible to have AI anxiety?

Künstliche Intelligenz gegen kreative Intelligenz - zwei Gehirnhälften

Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Our Working World

You can probably guess that I had concerns about being replaced by artificial intelligence. AI models, after all, are currently mainly focused on written content. So far, texts generated by ChatGPT still sound a bit awkward. However, since AI systems are designed to learn quickly, it is only a matter of time before some professions are replaced by them.

Indeed, at the beginning of this year (2024), I experienced some changes. Clients I had worked with productively for a long time suddenly had to cut costs. They let go of some of their permanent employees and said goodbye to their freelancers, partly using AI software as a substitute for writers.

But AI alone was certainly not the reason. The war in Ukraine, tensions in the Middle East, and other global political events are increasingly affecting our work and everyday lives. A new technology that brings risks is merely another drop in the bucket.

A key fact in the debate on artificial intelligence and the future of work is: Unlike in the past, such as during industrialization, this is the first time that people who do not perform physical labor are threatened with job loss. Professionals have just as much fear of losing their jobs as everyone else. However, this also presents an opportunity.

AI anxiety affects everyone.

Risks of Artificial Intelligence for Our Society

Possible mass unemployment is probably the most discussed topic concerning AI risks. Being replaced by robots, no longer earning money, losing one's home, and starving is a dystopia. Other potential negative impacts include:

  • Fake news/disinformation

  • Surveillance

  • Loss of control over technology

  • And other concerns

Severe consequences await if we place technologies in the wrong hands. They could be used to control humanity or cause other terrible things. Unfortunately, we are all capable of actions that can harm others.

We live in an age of individualism. When we talk about large companies, we often name the CEO as a representative, focusing all our attention on this one person. When a country is in the headlines, we refer to its political leader.

It becomes easy to shift responsibility onto others and forget that a single person cannot do much. It takes more than a CEO or a head of state.

Each of us can contribute positively. Together, we can achieve even more.

AI: Innovation or Threat?

Fears are powerful. We are designed to remember negative events and emotions better than positive ones. This has a reason: it helps us survive. Spreading fear and terror is thus much easier than proclaiming the benefits of artificial intelligence.

The truth is that AI can bring many opportunities. It has certain abilities that we do not possess and the potential to carry out mundane tasks. Using AI applications to make our lives easier and less painful and to support our development is a noble goal. Results in research, information on the productivity of a process, and system optimization are just a few examples of areas where AI models have already provided access and brought about positive progress.

Do the dangers truly outweigh the benefits? This is one of the many questions surrounding artificial intelligence. The problem is complex, involving economic, sociological, and political elements. But if we only focus on the negative, we will never find answers, nor will we be able to foster progress.

AI anxiety leads many to call for a complete ban on this technology. This is an understandable reaction. When we feel threatened, we want to distance ourselves from the source of anxiety and no longer expose ourselves to it. But the AI cat is already out of the bag. Strongly restrictive controls would have the opposite effect:

Only "decent" people adhere to bans.

Alleviating AI Anxiety

In this article, we have already gathered some tips on how to deal with AI anxiety. I would like to summarize them briefly here and then suggest further steps:

  • You are not alone in your fear.

  • Together, we can make a difference.

  • AI can be used positively if we allow it.

In the past, we have already been replaced by one or another robot. Instead of washing clothes by hand, we now have washing machines—a great invention. AI tools can help not only industries but also us. However, this primarily requires one thing:

  • Transparency

Currently, AI is a tool in the hands of a few. We do not know exactly where the system gets its information from, nor does (or can) an expert provide us with an answer. History has taught us that something with the power to change the world is best shared rather than controlled by a few. This brings us to the next point:

  • AI as a Common Good

Just as we have representatives for our political affairs, it would be beneficial if every country in the world could elect representatives for the use of AI. These representatives would then negotiate with other experts on the direction of our artificial intelligence journey.

  • Frameworks

During the meetings, the experts set the frameworks, initially encompassing the general welfare purposes of AI. This is followed by a joint effort to rid artificial intelligence of biases as much as possible. Finally, the AI is monitored and further revised to ensure that it brings the positive outcomes that were hoped for.

What You Can Do Today Against AI Anxiety

If you are an expert in AI, I encourage you to help guide humanity toward a positive future. Fear can be combated effectively by confronting it actively.

However, if you, like me, can only watch from afar what others decide in this regard, these tips will help you cope with AI anxiety:

  • Do not focus solely on the negative.

  • Live in the present.

  • Familiarize yourself better with the topic.

  • Talk to others (such as a therapist).

You will realize that many fears exist only in our heads. AI has only had a limited impact on our lives so far. Perhaps the concerns we currently have will never materialize. Why lose sleep over something and let it rob us of the present when the threat is not even in our house?

Knowledge is another powerful tool to counteract fears. The more we know about something, the more familiar it becomes. The better we can assess, weigh, and counter potential risks.

Frequently Asked Questions About AI Anxiety

Why are people afraid of AI?

People are probably afraid of AI because they hear many negative things about it. Additionally, there are potential dangers associated with artificial intelligence. However, it is still too early to say whether these will come true.

How many jobs will be lost due to AI?

Estimates suggest that up to 300 million full-time jobs worldwide could be replaced by artificial intelligence.

How many people are afraid of artificial intelligence?

Depending on the study, around 30% or even 70% of respondents fear AI. It likely depends heavily on who is surveyed, with factors such as gender, profession/education, and socioeconomic background playing an important role.

*Translated from German using ChatGPT - I let you be the judge of the text's quality


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